




网赌正规真人实体在线平台将帮助您实现您的目标! 我们已把节目安排成八个节目 学校 to guide you in finding the program that fits your interests and future. 的 学校 are outlined below with links to their specific pages, programs and faculty 了解更多信息. 当你探索不同的学校,我们在这里帮助你 一路走来. 

  • 问问题

    你喜欢做什么? 你最快乐的时候是怎么度过的? 你会 喜欢直接与人打交道? 你喜欢建造东西吗?

    Answers to questions like these can help you figure out what 路径 is best 为你 -- from choosing your classes, to picking a program of focus, and earning your degree 直接找工作或者转到四年制大学.

  • 探索和学习

    Take time to explore each School and their website below: learn about what programs 以及我们在网赌正规真人实体在线平台的学位. 记住你感兴趣的和你喜欢的!

    Throughout the year, there will be opportunities to explore more within each School as well as your everyday interactions with faculty and staff in the classroom and 在校园里!

  • 支持你

    When you become a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student, you will be paired with a Completion Coach who will help make sure you are on track with 你的目标s and be with you for questions and 贯穿你旅程的答案.


If you seek to create, invent, imagine, perform, design, speak with passion, and enjoy 写作,艺术学院,人文学科 & 沟通可能适合你. 这些学科 impact every aspect of our society and help us better understand the world in which 我们生活. Wonderful and exciting careers can be had with a degree from the School of 艺术、人文学科 & 沟通.

程序: 视觉 艺术, 沟通 Studies, English, Journalism, Literature, Music, 的atre and World 语言


Do you want you to advance in your career, earn more money or become your own boss? 如果你回答“是”!回答以上任何一个问题,那么商学院就是 属于你的地方! We offer opportunities for professional growth in the fields of accounting, management, marketing, as well as training to learn how to start your own enterprise. Whether you’re just starting out and want to earn your associate degree or want to go for that next level in your career with one of our Bachelor of Applied Science degrees, the School of 业务 will truly support you along the 路径 to 你的目标.

程序: Accounting, Applied Management, 业务, Economics, Project Management and Digital 市场营销


你喜欢学习事物是如何运作的吗? 你对建设和创造充满热情吗? 你喜欢诊断问题并制定解决方案吗? 在职业学院 & 技术教育, you can explore many careers that turn your passion and talent 成为一份高科技、热门且回报丰厚的工作. 专业技术学院 also houses a variety of short-term programs, that at no more than 11 weeks long, 能直接带来就业机会吗.

程序: Automotive, Nuclear Technology, Health Physics, Manufacturing Technology/Precision 机械加工,焊接,职业卫生 & 安全,短期认证和学徒


Do you like working with data, working with details like writing program code, collecting and analyzing information to make decisions or helping companies and individuals with 他们的电脑和网络,同时保证他们的数据安全? 在计算机学院 Science students explore courses that lead to developing innovative mobile apps, software and computer games, creating web pages, working with data and databases, setting up and maintaining computers and networks and protecting data while ensuring it’s available 授权用户.

程序: 计算机科学,网络安全和软件开发


Do you enjoy working with children, creating positive change in their lives and inspiring 终身学习? 你对教育的价值和机会充满热情吗 他会给你带来? 在美国的研究 School of 教育 can help you become a guide and advocate 为了孩子和教育. 一些职业包括家庭保育员、学前班 center director, preschool lead teacher, or a certified Washington State teacher in grades from pre-school to 12th grade, with an option for emphasis in a variety of 比如数学、体育、英语或科学. 你的计划是否包括 you quickly joining the workforce or pursuing further study and advancement, the School 教育是一个完美的起点.

程序: 幼儿教育、初等教育和中等教育


Do you enjoy using critical thinking and problem-solving skills to help make healthcare 针对不同人群的决策? 你是一个有能力、有同情心的人吗 沟通者? 网赌正规真人实体在线平台学院的职业生涯可能是完美的选择 为你! Health Science careers require caring for individuals working in a variety of settings, utilizing cutting-edge technology, promoting health and wellness as well 鼓励健康的生活方式. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台学院提供各种 许多医疗保健职业的课程、证书和学位. 课程范围 从几个月的学习,到一年和两年的AAS学位. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台也提供注册护士 to Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Dental 卫生.

程序: Dental 卫生, Emergency Medical Technician, Fire Science, Sterile Processing Technician, 医疗助理,医疗成像,医疗记录 & 医疗保健信息,医疗 Simulation Technology, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Nursing, Nursing Assistant, Paramedic, Phlebotomy, Radiologic Technology, Spanish Medical Interpreting and Surgical Technology


你是分析型思考者吗? 你是一个好奇的谜题解决者还是一个创新者? Do you like to build things from the smallest particles to the largest structures? A 数学,科学学院的职业生涯 & 工程学可能适合你! 物理研究 and life sciences, math and engineering can lead to careers in the fields of biology, chemistry, engineering, environmental science, nutrition, physics and more. 这所学校 of 数学,科学 and 工程 helps students understand the universe 我们生活 in and develop the skills necessary to make the world a better place to live and work.

程序: Agriculture, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, 工程, 工程 Technology, Environmental Science, Exercise Science, Geology/Physical Geography, Mathematics, 营养与物理


你喜欢和别人一起工作吗? 你想更好地了解自己,了解别人吗 以及人们互动的方式? 还是你有帮助别人的使命? 在美国的研究 disciplines of social and behavioral science can help you develop foundational knowledge 这几乎对任何职业都很有用. 不管你是在寻找知识 is immediately relevant to your interests, or are setting the foundation for further study and advancement, the 社会学院 and 行为科学 is the perfect 从哪里开始.

程序: Anthropology, Criminal Justice, History, Intercultural Studies, Political Science, 心理学,社会工作和社会学












事件 & 最后期限


  • 电子邮件

  • 电话:509-543-1495

  • 地址:2600 N. 20日大街.华盛顿州帕斯科99301

  • 办公时间:星期一至四:上午七时至下午四时三十分星期五:上午7时至中午
